Upcoming Retreats & Events

Just Like Me Weekend Retreat

November 7 to 10, 2024

Location: The Journey Home, Dearborn, Missouri

"Just Like Me" retreat, inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh's powerful poem, "Please Call Me By My True Names" reflects the profound interconnectedness of all beings. The poem explores the diverse experiences of joy and suffering, illustrating how each of us embodies both the victim and the perpetrator. It emphasizes compassion and understanding by recognizing the shared humanity and experiences that bind us together. Ultimately, the poem calls for mindfulness and empathy, urging us to see ourselves in others.

Immerse yourself in a weekend dedicated to exploring the profound stories of your Self and how they shape your interactions with others. Through engaging experiential activities, you will uncover the deep-seated narratives that influence your perceptions and relationships. Our meditation sessions will guide you to a place of inner peace and clarity, fostering a stronger connection with your true Self. 

One of the highlights of the retreat is the opportunity for a firewalk, a powerful experience that symbolizes overcoming fear and embracing personal transformation. This weekend is not just about reflection, but about active engagement and connection. You'll have the chance to share your journey with others, creating a supportive and understanding community. 

The retreat kicks off with a welcoming dinner on Thursday evening, setting the stage for a weekend of growth and discovery. Each day is carefully planned to balance introspection with interactive experiences, ensuring a holistic approach to your personal development. By Sunday at noon, you will leave with a renewed sense of Self and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. 

Retreat Investment


For an investment of $550 per person, you'll enjoy shared accommodations, all meals, and life-changing activities. Embrace this opportunity to connect, reflect, and grow.  Retreats are limited to 17 participants. No refunds for cancellations after October 7, 2024.

Register by clicking the above link.  Preferred payments options are Venmo and PayPal. 

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